Taking out a business loan may be an ideal solution to support your business’s financial needs. That being said, it may also raise questions regarding how the loan will be repaid and how it will affect your taxes in the coming year. The recent increase in business...
When seeking business or commercial real estate loans, there are multiple factors to consider. While rates are often the primary factor borrowers use to evaluate a loan, it is important to review additional factors. Which is more important? That depends entirely on...
As states across the nation lift COVID precautions, we’re slowly navigating blending in pre-pandemic life. Over a year into this ‘new normal,’ we feel confident in saying that most if not all industries have been affected in one way or another. The unexpected outcomes...
The process of securing a loan can be long and strenuous, especially if you’re in an urgent position to get funding fast. Traditional financial lending is a one-step at a time process that can take weeks, if not months, and even years to finalize your deal. The loan...
The global pandemic has changed the game for nearly all industries, the lending field included. Many small businesses have been left searching for help in the form of business loans, but they may not realize the growing number of available resources. Traditional...
In January 2021 Andi Rebiero partnered with Innovative Capital to support her in financing the acquisition of a CPA firm, now Alumbra CPAs. She had difficulty finding a loan from traditional sources that met her needs and felt she was running out of options. She was...