Residential vs Commercial Real Estate Financing

How Does Innovative Capital Corporation Get Paid?
At Innovative Capital Corporation, we help source the right loan option for our clients. A question you might be asking? How do we get paid in the process? Let’s debrief. When Does Innovative Capital Corporation Get Paid? Our team is paid when we perform and provide...
Commercial Real Estate: Top 10 Things to Watch in the New Year
It’s no secret that the last two years have seen unpredicted ups and downs in the real estate industry. Staying up-to-date with commercial real estate patterns, trends, and news can lead to informed investment decisions. Moreover, understanding the CRE market and...
Who is Innovative Capital Corporation?
At Innovative Capital Corporation, we’re known for providing a variety of financing solutions for borrowers and investors. But who are we really? Who Are We? At its core, Innovative Capital Corporation is an organization of people who are inspired to help their...