Leverage Your Resources to Present Your Loan Request in the Best LightFinding a business loan can sometimes be challenging – especially with bank loan offers tightening up due to the current economic climate. Further, the Silicon Valley Bank collapse has...
Investing in real estate can be a lucrative venture, especially when it comes to multifamily properties. Innovative Capital helps our clients navigate the challenges of making smart choices and financing these investments. Multifamily real estate refers to properties...
From luxury rental home to startup capital in less than 2 weeks! With creativity and the help of Seattle Funding Group, SFG and our team were able to help a Scottsdale couple turn their property equity into a new business venture. Even in a volatile market, there...
Secure Alternative Funding with Innovative Capital3. Hard Money LoansPeer-to-peer (P2P) lending has gained significant traction in recent years as an alternative to traditional lending. P2P lending platforms connect borrowers directly with investors who are willing to...
Investing in Commercial Real Estate in 2023 Which Commercial Property Types Hold Strong in Weaker Economies? Investing in commercial real estate has been an attractive option for investors looking for stable returns over the long term. Many of these properties, such...
New Initiative: The Innovative Capital Income Fund We are excited to publicly announce the Innovative Capital Income Fund. This income fund strives to generate monthly income with principal protection for investors through exposure to a diversified pool of secured...